Ready to Break Free and Live the Life You Deserve?


Does it ever feel like you're trappedĀ in a cycle of fatigue, fear and dissatisfaction?Ā 


Like you're constantly swimming against the tide, but no matter how hard you try, you can't quite break the surface?

Maybe you catch fleeting glimpses of the vibrant, energetic life you crave. But, those moments are like a mirage, quickly swallowed by the desert of weariness, numbness, and anxiety.

And the questions that keep you up at night: "Are the best years behind me? Have I missed my chance to feel vibrantly healthy and happy? Am I stuck with feeling this way, or worse, for the rest of my life?!?"

Are you struggling with persistent negative self-talk, feeling uncomfortable in your own skin? Do you feel an underlying sense of something being wrong, but you just can't pinpoint what it is? The same old routineā€”chasing, striving, and barely survivingā€”is taking a toll on you.

If this resonates with you, you're in the right place because I can assist you in making powerful changes in your life that will transform your body. Guaranteed.

I'm Ready to Change My Life. Sign Me Up!

Ā Your Life-Changing Journey Begins Today!

Whether you're seeking to lose weight, improve your digestion, rejuvenate your skin, boost energy levels, balance hormones, manage a chronic disease or enhance stamina, we're going to tackle the common denominators in all these areas: stress, inflammation and toxicity.

Inflammation isn't just a physical response to injury or irritationā€”it's a powerful metaphor for the emotional and mental distress we face due to various external factors. Inflammation, when mixed with our genetics and environment, can contribute to a myriad of health problems.

It's time to silence those alarm bells. The answer is here.

Can you imagine...

Ā šŸŒŸĀ Better Performance inĀ Personal and Professional Roles because you have more energy and vitality!

šŸŒŸĀ Enhanced weight loss &Ā increasedĀ comfort and happiness with your body

šŸŒŸĀ Improved digestion & balanced mood

šŸŒŸĀ Clearer skin & sounder sleepĀ 

šŸŒŸ Balanced hormones and less body discomfort?Ā 

The build-up of toxicants in your body causes all of these areas of your life to suffer.

If any of this sounds like a dream, I want you to know that itā€™s 100% possible for you. And I know that, because Iā€™ve been working with clients just like you for 17 years. I've been where you are now and have created a proven system to help you achieveĀ living your best life.


That’s why I can't wait to introduce you to the Wilde Vitality Detox Program!!

This program will teach you:

How to prevent diseases from manifesting into physical symptoms by addressing the root cause.

How your diet and lifestyle impact your health and how to create new healthy patterns.

What toxins you are being exposed to, and how to effectively remove them from your body.

How to create new healthy habits that support rather than sabotage your wellness.

When you implement my proven program you will learn:

How to prevent diseases from manifesting into physical symptoms by addressing the root cause issues early on.

To embrace the holistic mechanism of your body and mind, using this knowledge to shift towards vibrant health through detox, diet, movement, supplementation, meditation, gratitude, and more.

To connect with your body, identifying and mitigating negative health triggers like food sensitivities, negative emotions, and physical discomfort.

The differences between addressing health challenges from the root cause instead of covering up symptoms.

Here's how the program breaks down...

Support Rather than Sabotage

Understand and overcome self defeating habits.

Stress, Inflammation and Toxicity

Unmask the silent killers of vibrant health.

Why is DetoxificationĀ Necessary?

Uncover the necessity and benefits of purifying your body.

House and Home

Crafting an environment that nurturesĀ wellness.

Your 4-week Medical Grade Detox Journey

Reinventing your Health Habits

  • Locking in your wellness gains for lasting impacts.

Unleash Your Vitality and Live Your Best Life

With decades of experience as a naturopathic physician and expert in detoxification, I've designed a course that will not only transform your body but also your mind. This is the best thing you can do for your long term health, disease prevention, and to rewind the effects of aging and chronic disease.

This program is more than a guide to detoxificationā€”it's a complete overhaul of your mindset, habits, and environment. By integrating holistic wellness practices, you willunlock a newfound sense of health, energy, and vitality. Many of my clients say it is the best health decision they ever made, and by applying what they learned long term, they feel better than they even IMAGINED was possible.

Do You WantĀ  Results Like These?

"For the past year or so, I had been feeling off but wasnā€™t aware or sure of the cause. I
experienced weakness, low energy, leg aching, anxiety, slight dizziness, and the inability
to exercise without feeling like I was going to pass out. I am 27 years old, and overall, I
would consider myself fairly healthy. Anyway, with the encouragement of my partner at
the time, I overcame my fear of needles and underwent a blood test. The results came
back the next day via the app, accompanied by a note from my doctor indicating that I
have the Thalassemia trait, am anemic due to the genetic trait, and have excess iron in my
body. There was no phone call, no explanation, and no advice on how to feel better. It
was very confusing; how could I be anemic but also have high levels of iron in my body?
I was then referred to Dr. Heather Wilde. I was advised to share my blood results with her
and have an initial free consultation to see if she could help in any way. To be honest, I
wasnā€™t expecting much and only did it because it was free and I had nothing to lose. The
call went great, and she was able to provide me with answers that my doctor couldnā€™t.
Suddenly, all the symptoms I was experiencing made sense, and it gave me hope that I
could feel better.
She recommended that I undergo the detox since it would help rid my body of
inflammation and should make me feel better. I decided to prioritize my health and
embarked on the whole detox journey. I thought I had nothing to lose, other than not
being able to eat many of my favorite foods.
Of course, I journaled every day to keep track of my experience and how my body was
reacting to the detox. I felt amazing starting from the first day. Getting out of bed felt
easier, and I was able to do things that I normally find very physically difficult. That
alone made me excited and happy about the detox. By the third day, I was already
worried about how I would maintain feeling this good after the detox. No part of me had
cravings or wished I wasnā€™t doing the detox because I felt amazing. The benefits
outweighed everything else. By the second week, I felt like a different person. People at
my job were impressed with my energy, mood, and work ethic. I was no longer
experiencing anxiety about life or my health. I felt more emotionally balanced and more
capable physically. I was no longer experiencing leg pain, and I was slowly losing weight
that I didnā€™t even know I needed to lose. I went through a breakup, and I felt like I
handled it so well. and was able to process it easily. In other words, my hormones felt the
most balanced.

The detox changed my life. I didnā€™t realize how badly I was suffering until I experienced how great I could feel. I am extremely grateful for Dr. Heather and the detox."
- Gabriella Sleiman

Enroll in Wilde Vitality Detoxification Program

Choose the best plan for you....

The Revolutionary Course That Will Change Your Life

āœ”ļøĀ  Wilde Vitality Detoxification CourseĀ 

āœ”ļø Live Your Best LifeĀ Workbook

āœ”ļø Wilde Eating Recipe BookĀ 

Ā āœ”ļøĀ The Wilde Life Planner

Knowledge is Power

Change Your Life




The Wilde Vitality Course and Advanced Medical Detox Protocol

The course will teach you how to avoid toxicity and how to improve your health with lifestyle and diet. This 28 day supplementation plan and eating protocol will support your body in removing the carcinogenic, hormone disrupting, neurotoxic and immune system triggering toxicants from your body and resetting your digestion.

āœ”ļøĀ Ā Detoxification Protein PowdersĀ 

āœ”ļøĀ  28 day Supplementation Protocol to Remove Toxicity from your bodyĀ 

āœ”ļø Dr. Wilde's Leaky Gut Healing Power Powder


The Best Health Decision You Will Ever Make

Are you ready to feel better than you can even imagine? Self guided course and detox supplements:




The Best Health Decision You Will Ever Make -

You CAN make health and vitality a reality, so we offer

3Ā Easy Payments of




The Best Health Decision You Will Ever Make - VIP

Get personalized support directly from Dr. Wilde and be coached through complicated health concerns and break free ofĀ self sabotage. May include consults, hypnosis and NLP.




The Best Health Decision You Will Ever Make - VIP

Get personalized support directly from Dr. Wilde and be coached through complicated health concerns and breakĀ  free ofĀ self sabotage.

With 3 payments of:




Enroll today and you'll also get access to these bonuses...


Dr. Heather's Favorite Things! 

Receive a list of products Dr. Heather uses in her daily life. Everything from cleaning products, protein powders, cook ware and other detox aids. These will help you get and stay on track long after this program. 




Quick Tips and Tricks 

Get the master list of quick tips and trips to boost your detox. 




Wilde Vitality Playlist 

Music is a great way to boost your mood and get your body moving. Dr. Heather's favorite tunes will help you dance away your stress and have some fun. 



Detoxification Meditation

Meditate and find focus with the help of this detoxification meditation from Wilde Vitality. This Zen-inspired session will help you to refocus and center yourself, preparing you for your detox journey.



Essential Oil Detox and Cleaning SeminarĀ 

Boost your detox journey with the Essential Oil Detox and Cleaning Seminar designed to help you cleanse, purify, and restore your homeĀ and body withĀ  essential oils.



Enroll today and you'll also get access to these bonuses...


Dr. Heather's Favorite Things! 

Receive a list of products Dr. Heather uses in her daily life. Everything from cleaning products, protein powders, cook ware and other detox aids. These will help you get and stay on track long after this program. 

($197 value)



Quick Tips and Tricks 

Get the master list of quick tips and trips to boost your detox. 

($47 value)



Wilde Vitality Playlist 

Music is a great way to boost your mood and get your body moving. Dr. Heather's favorite tunes will help you dance away your stress and have some fun. 



Detoxification Meditation

Meditate and find focus with the help of this detoxification meditation from Wilde Vitality. This Zen-inspired session will help you to refocus and center yourself, preparing you for your detox journey.



Essential Oil Detox and Cleaning Seminar 

Boost your detox journey with the Essential Oil Detox and Cleaning Seminar designed to help you cleanse, purify, and restore the body through essential oils.



I am Dr. Heather Wilde

the founder and visionary behind Naturopathic MD. My goal is to offer access to high-quality functional medicine wellness plans to everyone. I'm Ivy League-educated, an accomplished diagnostician, an Elite Results Coach and Master Practitioner of NLP and Hypnosis. I am an expert in uncovering the root cause of health problems using scientific laboratory studies and designing elegant and effective personalized programs.

Are you a perfect fit?

This personalized approach allows you to take control of your health and become the best version of yourself. Don't wait for sickness to strike - take proactive steps today to improve your health and vitality with the Wilde Vitality Detoxification Program!

If you're still reading, there's something holding you back. 

You may be asking yourself...

If you're ready to take your health to the next level,



If you're looking for a comprehensive health optimization program that offers a wide range of benefits, look no further than the Wilde Vitality Detoxification Program. This program was developed by a Naturopathic Physician who has been working with environmental medicine and health optimization for over 20 years. It is designed to help your body eliminate toxins and restore balance, leading to enhanced wellness in mind and body. You can expect to experience benefits like balanced hormones, healthy weight loss, improved digestion, clearer skin, increased energy levels, enhanced mood, sounder sleep, more energy and more. The detoxification process can be difficult and uncomfortable, because you are letting go of patterns and things that do not serve you. With the support of the Wilde Vitality Detoxification Program, you can rest assured that you are in good hands. This program has helped thousands of clients, and is an excellent way to jumpstart your journey to a healthier, happier self.